Marc Eksteen

STEPtember 24

Lets get stepping!

Aiming for 10k steps per day :) Even though I do quite a bit of running, this will be a challenge. I spend most of my day sitting behind a desk. I'll probably have to add a few long walks into my days to get there! 

Hoping to raise a bit of money for a very worthwhile cause, alongside my amazing colleagues from Toyota Australia :)))

My achievements

Help me light up my badges


Thanks to my Sponsors

Top Sponsor

17 Sep 2024

  • Anonymous



05 Sep 2024

  • Daphne Stroebel



  • All the best Marc!


02 Sep 2024

  • Ryan W



  • king behaviour


02 Sep 2024

  • Diane Slater



  • Well done- great cause! Happy walking!


02 Sep 2024

  • Ingrid Eksteen



  • Well done Marc. Enjoy your walking!!


02 Sep 2024

  • Self Donation




Getting started

Monday 2nd Sep
I think I might need to invest in a treadmill desk if I'm going to consistently get 10k steps a day. Either that or start training for a marathon again :D

Managed ~8k steps today, but it was an effort.

Why STEPtember is important to me

Every 20 hours, an Australian child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

I'm STEPing up this September to fundraise to support Cerebral Palsy Alliance in their mission to help people with cerebral palsy live their best lives.

STEPtember participants are passionate about being healthy, building a more inclusive world and making a life-changing impact for people with cerebral palsy.

Will you STEP up with me for cerebral palsy?