Marolin van Wyngaarden

STEPtember 24

Lace up those shoes...

We're putting our best foot forward (literally) to raise money for Cerebral Palsy! Yep, you heard right. We're trading in our couch-potato days for some serious pavement pounding. I know what you're thinking, "It's not that far," and "don't you already walk a lot?"  Well - I'm aiming to turn up the mileage for a fantastic cause. 

Wish me luck (and blister-free feet) as I embark on this walking adventure. Join me in supporting this amazing cause to support life-changing research, treatment, services and assistive technologies to help people with cerebral palsy. 

My achievements

Help me light up my badges


Why STEPtember is important to me

Every 20 hours, an Australian child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

I'm STEPing up this September to fundraise to support Cerebral Palsy Alliance in their mission to help people with cerebral palsy live their best lives.

STEPtember participants are passionate about being healthy, building a more inclusive world and making a life-changing impact for people with cerebral palsy.

Will you STEP up with me for cerebral palsy?