Mathew Paxinos

STEPtember 24


Moving towards 10,000 steps a day is one heck of a challenge! But each move will be made easier knowing it's all for a very worthy cause. Every dollar I raise will support life-changing research, treatment, services and assistive technologies to help people with cerebral palsy. Please help me support this great cause, and let's STEP up together, for cerebral palsy.

My achievements

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Day 2 - Hard rubbish and driving

Tuesday 3rd Sep
Day 2 was a work day, immediately decreased the chances for walking.  We also spend the afternoon driving the kids around so not much chance.

I did however spend some time hauling hard rubbish from the garage to the front.  And there was a lot of carrying.  So I didn't quite make the goal but better than nothing!

Day 1 - hauling stuff up to the back yard

Tuesday 3rd Sep
I was worried on day one that I wouldn't make the target.  I hadn't installed the app (or any app for that matter), and my day didn't have any time for a walk.

About half way through the day I installed a pedometer app on the phone to keep track of things, didn't think I'd hit my target.

I needn't have worried.  Apparently it takes 500 steps to carry something from my driveway to the back shed.  And I had a lot to carry!

Some very sore legs later I hit my goal for the day.

Why STEPtember is important to me

Every 20 hours, an Australian child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

I'm STEPing up this September to fundraise to support Cerebral Palsy Alliance in their mission to help people with cerebral palsy live their best lives.

STEPtember participants are passionate about being healthy, building a more inclusive world and making a life-changing impact for people with cerebral palsy.

Will you STEP up with me for cerebral palsy?