Judith O'Hagan

STEPtember 24


Moving towards 10,000 steps a day is one heck of a challenge! But each move will be made easier knowing it's all for a very worthy cause. Every dollar I raise will support life-changing research, treatment, services and assistive technologies to help people with cerebral palsy. Please help me support this great cause, and let's STEP up together, for cerebral palsy.

My achievements

Help me light up my badges


Thanks to my Sponsors

Top Sponsor

02 Sep 2024

  • Alex And Megs



  • Way to go Jude! Woot woot!


02 Sep 2024

  • Lauren Stratton



  • Amazing efforts! Such a great cause 🩷


02 Sep 2024

  • Mel Marshan



  • Good on you and the doggies for doing this important fundraising. May the steps we very worthwhile.


19 Jul 2024

  • Self Donation




A third of the way through!

Wednesday 11th Sep
It's been a fast start to STEPtember, we're already a third of the way through! Where has the year gone??

I asked Max and Gus to help me with some painting on the weekend. Max was very enthusiastic, Guys less so... But the canine artist collective is very supportive of WALKIES!! They've been great STEP buddies :)

It's STEPtember again! Meet my pack

Monday 2nd Sep
In another instance of "I can't believe how fast the year is going", here we are at STEPtember 2024!

To keep me motivated, I'd love your support as I step my way to may daily goal.

This year I have the support of my pack, namely Max and Gus, the Labradors who LOVE stepping (in fairness, they each have two more legs than I do). They have decided to lend a paw to my fundraising efforts and, as a token of my appreciation of you and your support, they have helped me create some special thank yous that you can choose to receive:

- For a donation of $25, a limited edition artwork created by Gus
- For a donation of $50 Max will create a special piece just for you
- For a donation of $100, both members of the canine artist collective will create an exclusive collaborative artwork
- For a donation of $250, you can take home one of the canine artist collective's exclusive collaborative artworks PLUS a photo of the artists
- For a donation of $500, you can receive a personalised thank you video, featuring the canine artists collective's supervisor, Gilbert T. Cat, who will either ignore you or judge you (it's his choice).
- For a donation of $1,000 you can choose to have a 30 minute meet and greet session with the canine artist collective (T&Cs apply).

More importantly than keeping the canine artist collective "employed", you'll be supporting the exceptional work of Cerebral Palsy Alliance.

Please, if you have a couple of dollars to spare, leave your donation on my page.

Thank you!

T&Cs: 30 minute meet and greet with the canine artist collective to take place at a mutually agreed time, at a dog-friendly location and dog-safe location on the north shore or northern beaches. BYO vaccinated doggo optional.

Why STEPtember is important to me

Every 20 hours, an Australian child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

I'm STEPing up this September to fundraise to support Cerebral Palsy Alliance in their mission to help people with cerebral palsy live their best lives.

STEPtember participants are passionate about being healthy, building a more inclusive world and making a life-changing impact for people with cerebral palsy.

Will you STEP up with me for cerebral palsy?