
STEPtember 24

Believe the Hype

Crank out those steps by sending signals from your brain down to your legs repeatedly each day! 10,000 times a day should do it! 

Team Members

  • Team captain
  • Kaleb Patterson


  • Viki Gibson


  • Abujindal Farooqi


Team Updates

Why STEPtember is important to our team

Every 20 hours, an Australian child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

We're STEPing up this September to fundraise to support Cerebral Palsy Alliance in their mission to help people with cerebral palsy live their best lives.

STEPtember participants are passionate about being healthy, building a more inclusive world and making a life-changing impact for people with cerebral palsy.

Will you STEP up with us for cerebral palsy?